
SoF Suffolk Group(formerly Ipswich Group) meetings December 2014, January 2015

The next two meetings of the Suffolk SoF group will be:

Thursday 11th December 7.30 pm at Lower Holbrook
Richard Titford will speak to us on Gretta Vosper.

on Thursday 15th January 2015   at Lower Holbrook   David Lambourn is coming to give us a workshop on "As-If" which some of us greatly appreciated at a Leicester Conference.

Our last meeting ,held on 6th November, was a shared meeting with Suffolk Interfaith Resource and was held at Suffolk College. Peter Stribblehill, from the SoF board of Trustees, spoke to us on "Inter religious dialogue" "Are you saved?" was his title. There were present representatives of several faiths and philosophies. A good evening followed by a lively email correspondence.