
Thursday 25th March 2010 , 7.30pm meeting

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 25th March , 7.30 pm at Charlotte Stewart's. Richard will lead us using Wordsworth's Elegiac Stanza, inspired by a painting of Peele Castle. It contains the line quoted at the Charter for Compassion discussion, " a deep distress hath humanised my soul" At the last meeting ,on 25th February, we discussed the Islamic Conference at Essex University, the Charter for Compassion, and ideas of religious fundamentalism and evangelical Christianity. It was very productive, instructive and interesting. Everyone had something to add to the discussion. At the April meeting (MONDAY 26th April), Terence and Maggie Cooper are going to lead us through their journey from Evangelical Christianity to the Sea of Faith.Their talk is entitled COMING OUT....OF EVANGELICALISM this promises to be a good evening for us all. We were very pleased to welcome some new members to our group,the discussions get ever more interesting. If you need directions to meetings or any other information, please contact us at our group email address.